<html><img src="bilder/shoebox-content.jpg" /></html>\nThis is a shoebox with technical stuff I don't use so regularly. Normally it's kept in a cupboard in another room, but I am organizing data on my hard-drives so it's here at the moment.\n[[Check out the hard-drive|goto_harddrive1]] if you want to.\n\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]\n[[Plug harddrive to computer.|harddrive1]]\n<<set $harddrive1found = true>>
(function(){var r="";var s=Wikifier.formatters;for(var j=0;j<s.length;j++){if(s[j].name=="image"){r=s[j].lookahead;\nbreak;}}var div=document.getElementById("storeArea").firstChild.nextSibling;while(div){if(r){k(new RegExp(r,"mg"),4);\n}var b=String.fromCharCode(92);var u=b+"s*['"+'"]?([^"'+"']+(jpe?g|a?png|gif|bmp))['"+'"]?'+b+"s*";\nk(new RegExp("url"+b+"("+u+b+")","mig"),1);k(new RegExp("src"+b+"s*="+u,"mig"),1);\ndiv=div.nextSibling;}function k(c,e){do{var d=c.exec(div.innerHTML);if(d){var i=new Image();\ni.src=d[e];}}while(d);}}());
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n\n[[Go back.|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/map.jpg" /></html>\nI make my own wallets out of paper, foil and duct tape. Normally I use superhero comics, but for the next few I want to use these old maps. They are outdated, as I know since once I tried to use them hitch-hiking to France.\n\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back.|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n[[Go back|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/waterbottle.jpg" /></html>\nYou have to mix the [[syrup|goto_bottles]] with a lot of water. It's tap-water, but we fill it in these fancy-looking bottles, so it feels more elegant.\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
<html><img src="bilder/harddrive2.jpg" /></html>\nThis is the hard-drive I used for my last projects. You can see two files: "Undead" and "zombie". They are basically the same just not sorted yet. There are video files, I wrote and read essays... it was a big project.\nThen there's "Vienna", which was the idea of "take a camera to Vienna and see what happens". So far what happened is files on this hard drive.\n\n[[Go back.|cornerback]]\n<<set $harddrive2found = true>>
<html><img src="bilder/notebook_b.jpg" /></html>\n[[Go back.|stuffback]]\n
Welcome!\n[[This is my desk!|desk]]\nFeel free to snoop around!\n<<set $harddrive1found = false>>\n<<set $harddrive2found = false>>\n<<set $harddrive3found = false>>\n<<set $usbfound = false>>
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n[[Go back|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/paper.jpg" /></html>\nFirst I wanted this game to be fictional. I was thinking of these Pirates Maps with Instructions I would draw in Primary School. I also got inspired by [[this project|http://www.lesespuren.ch/list.php]] (for all you german speakers).\nMy sister showed me this link and reminded me of maps we used to draw. She is going to be a Primary School teacher, which is cool.\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
/*shoebox-content*/\na#harddrive1 {\n width:280px;\n height:30px;\n top:80px;\n left:230px;\n text-align:right;\n padding-top:40px;\n}\n\n/*corner*/\na#pencilbox {\n width:180px;\n height:110px;\n top:220px;\n left:500px;\n padding-top:30px;\n text-align:center;\n}\n\na#harddrive2 {\n width:220px;\n height:100px;\n padding-top:60px;\n top:180px;\n left:270px;\n text-align:center;\n}\n\na#harddrive3 {\n width:170px;\n height:60px;\n top:130px;\n left:370px;\n text-align:center;\n}\na#goto_waterbottle {\n width:100px;\n height:100px;\n top:40px;\n left:550px;\n padding-top:60px;\n text-align:center;\n z-index:1;\n}\na#goto_metalboxes {\n width:85px;\n height:60px;\n padding-top:40px;\n top:40px;\n left:600px;\n text-align:right;\n z-index:0;\n}\n\n/*usb*/\na#usb_plug {\n width:200px;\n height:50px;\n padding-top:10px;\n top:165px;\n left:340px;\n text-align:center;\n}\n\n/*stuff*/\na#shiny {\n width:60px;\n height:100px;\n padding-top:30px;\n left:233px;\n top:190px;\n z-index:0;\n}\na#stapler {\n width:140px;\n height:100px;\n padding-top:70px;\n left:250px;\n top:40px;\n text-align:center;\n z-index:1;\n}\na#coins {\n width:140px;\n height:90px;\n left:260px;\n top:240px;\n text-align:right;\n z-index:1;\n}\na#cases {\n width:290px;\n height:240px;\n padding-top:60px;\n top:60px;\n left:390px;\n z-index:0;\n}\na#notebook {\n width:210px;\n height:190px;\n padding-top:30px;\n top:80px;\n left:460px;\n text-align:right;\n z-index:1;\n}\na#stickers {\n width:140px;\n height:100px;\n padding-top:30px;\n top:140px;\n left:470px;\n z-index:2;\n}\n
My Desk
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n[[Go back|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/corner.jpg" /></html>\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back|desk]]<<endif>>\n[[A wooden box.|pencilbox]][[Plug in harddrive.|harddrive2]][[Plug in this harddrive.|harddrive3]][[A waterbottle.|goto_waterbottle]][[Metalboxes.|goto_metalboxes]]\n<<endif>>
<<goto "bottles">>
<html><img src="bilder/stickers.jpg" /></html>\nThis is my girlfriends as well. She uses those to seal envelopes containing fanzines. She got them from a fellow student who has a little child. The kid used to stick these dots everywhere.\nI actually don't think I'm gonna use them.\n\n[[Go back|stuffback]]\n
version.extensions.timedgotoMacro={major:1,minor:1,revision:0};macros["goto"]=macros["timedgoto"]={timer:null,handler:function(a,b,c,d){\nfunction cssTimeUnit(s){if(typeof s=="string"){if(s.slice(-2).toLowerCase()=="ms"){return Number(s.slice(0,-2))||0;\n}else{if(s.slice(-1).toLowerCase()=="s"){return Number(s.slice(0,-1))*1000||0;}}}throwError(a,s+" isn't a CSS time unit");\nreturn 0;}var t,d,m,s;t=c[c.length-1];d=d.fullArgs();m=0;if(b!="goto"){d=d.slice(0,d.lastIndexOf(t));\nm=cssTimeUnit(t);}d=eval(Wikifier.parse(d));if(d+""){if(this.timer){clearTimeout(this.timer);\n}s=state.history[0].passage.title;this.timer=setTimeout(function(){if(state.history[0].passage.title==s){state.display(d,a);\n}},m);}}};
<<goto "waterbottle">>
version.extensions.ifMacros={major:2,minor:0,revision:0};macros["if"]={handler:function(place,macroName,params,parser){\nvar conditions=[],clauses=[],srcOffset=parser.source.indexOf(">>",parser.matchStart)+2,src=parser.source.slice(srcOffset),endPos=-1,currentCond=parser.fullArgs(),currentClause="",t=0,nesting=0;\nfor(var i=0;i<src.length;i++){if(src.substr(i,9)=="<<endif>>"){nesting--;if(nesting<0){endPos=srcOffset+i+9;\nconditions.push(currentCond);clauses.push(currentClause);break;}}if((src.substr(i,6)=="<<else")&&nesting==0){conditions.push(currentCond);\nclauses.push(currentClause);currentClause="";t=src.indexOf(">>",i+6);if(src.substr(i+6,4)==" if "){currentCond=Wikifier.parse(src.slice(i+10,t));\n}else{currentCond="true";}i=t+2;}if(src.substr(i,5)=="<<if "){nesting++;}currentClause+=src.charAt(i);\n}try{if(endPos!=-1){parser.nextMatch=endPos;for(i=0;i<clauses.length;i++){if(eval(conditions.shift())){new Wikifier(place,clauses[i ].trim());\nbreak;}}}else{throwError(place,"can't find matching endif");}}catch(e){throwError(place,"bad condition: "+e.message);\n}}};
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n\n[[Go back.|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/drawer6.jpg" /></html>\nThose are crayons. I never use them. No one in this house uses them. Except just sometimes, if you hastily search a pen to write down a number or something... This might be the drawer of the unusable things, as I see highlighters and bad functioning erasers as well. No one needs those.\nI think this drawer could be emptied and be given an other meaning...\n\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back.|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
a#shoebox, a#shoebox-content {\n height:55px;\n width:150px;\n top:235px;\n left:355px;\n padding-top:20px;\n z-index:1;\n text-align:right;\n}\n\na#cable {\n height:50px;\n width:50px;\n top:300px;\n left:480px;\n z-index:0;\n}\na#computer {\n height:120px;\n width:170px;\n top:210px;\n left:520px;\n padding-top:40px;\n z-index:2;\n text-align:center;\n}\n\na#desklamp {\n padding-top:20px;\n height:30px;\n width:100px;\n top:130px;\n left:350px;\n}\n\na#cellphone {\n width:60px;\n height:50px;\n top:380px;\n left:250px;\n}\n\na#documents1 {\n width:120px;\n height:50px;\n top:285px;\n left:320px;\n padding-top:40px;\n z-index:2;\n}\n\na#documents2 {\n width:140px;\n height:70px;\n top:380px;\n left:320px;\n padding-top:20px;\n}\n\na#usb {\n width:40px;\n height:15px;\n top:310px;\n left:430px;\n z-index:2;\n}\n\na#switch, a#switchback {\n width:60px;\n height:40px;\n top:325px;\n left:440px;\n z-index:3;\n}\n\na#paper {\n height:50px;\n width:230px;\n top:370px;\n left:510px;\n padding-top:40px;\n z-index:1;\n}\n\na#pencil {\n width:60px;\n height:40px;\n top:390px;\n left:630px;\n z-index:2;\n}\n\na#luckthing {\n height:50px;\n width:40px;\n top:200px;\n left:360px;\n z-index:2;\n}\n\na#corner {\n width:90px;\n height:50px;\n top:270px;\n left:690px;\n z-index:0;\n}\n\na#glass {\n width:40px;\n height:60px;\n top:310px;\n left:750px;\n z-index:2;\n}\n\na#bottles {\n width:40px;\n height:80px;\n padding:20px;\n top:235px;\n left:780px;\n z-index:1;\n}\n\na#button {\n width:40px;\n height:20px;\n top:380px;\n left:760px;\n}\n\na#waterbottle {\n width:40px;\n padding-top:10px;\n height:70px;\n top:160px;\n left:780px;\n z-index:0;\n}\n\na#talcum {\n width:40px;\n height:60px;\n left:860px;\n top:280px;\n z-index:1;\n}\n\na#metalboxes {\n width:40px;\n height:30px;\n left:860px;\n top:250px;\n z-index:0;\n}\n\na#pile {\n width:230px;\n height:50px;\n padding-top:40px;\n left:800px;\n top:350px;\n z-index:0;\n}\n\na#documents3 {\n width:120px;\n height:70px;\n padding-top:30px;\n left:1010px;\n top:380px;\n text-align:center;\n z-index:1;\n}\n\na#map {\n width:140px;\n height:40px;\n left:940px;\n top:340px;\n z-index:1;\n text-align:right;\n}\n\na#stuff {\n width:150px;\n height:40px;\n left:900px;\n top:160px;\n}\n\na#drawer1 {\n width:50px;\n height:35px;\n left:905px;\n top:210px;\n}\n\na#drawer2 {\n width:50px;\n height:35px;\n left:960px;\n top:210px;\n}\n\na#drawer3 {\n width:50px;\n height:35px;\n left:1015px;\n top:210px;\n}\n\na#drawer4 {\n width:50px;\n height:35px;\n left:905px;\n top:250px;\n}\n\na#drawer5 {\n width:50px;\n height:35px;\n left:960px;\n top:250px;\n}\n\na#drawer6 {\n width:50px;\n height:35px;\n left:1015px;\n top:250px;\n}\n\na#bigdrawer {\n width:170px;\n height:40px;\n left:910px;\n top:290px;\n text-align:center;\n}
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n\n[[Go back.|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/usb.jpg" /></html>\nA USB-Stick I steal regularly from my parents desk. I use it to transport documents to my parents PC and print it. It's a good example of stupid laziness, as it's more work to run around the apartment with the stick, than once and for all install the necessary drivers.\n[[You can plug it in.|goto_usb_plug]]\n[[Plug in USB-stick|usb_plug]]\n\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back.|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n<<set $usbfound = true>>
<<goto "usb_plug">>
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n\n[[Go back.|desk-dark]]\n<<else>><<goto "lidoff">><<endif>>\n
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n\n[[Go back.|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/bigdrawer.jpg" /></html>\nIn this drawer I've got paper. For drawings and notes and scribbles and To-Do-Lists. Oh god, To-Do-Lists...\n\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back.|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n\n[[Go back.|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/metalboxes.jpg" /></html>\nIn those boxes I collect change. One is for euros (there's always some) and one for foreign coins. I honestly don't know what happened to all the change. I remember putting the Euro-change in a sock to carry it with me when shopping, but I have no idea where the foreign money is. Apparently these things occur sometimes after tidying up.\n\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back.|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
<html><img src="bilder/pencilbox.jpg" /></html>\nI once had a student job for [[an archivist|http://www.history-today.com]]. The task was:\n1. Take out metal and harmful plastic.\n2. Throw away the boring paperwork nobody needs anymore.\n3. Look in every file give it a number and register what's in there.\n4. Reorganize everything with the new register.\nIt was an exciting and — most importantly — honest work. I learned a lot about order, and the whole idea of archiving influenced my art heavily.\nThis is box with pencils and a ruler for a lid is a promotional gift, they gave away on fairs.\n\n[[Go back.|cornerback]]\n
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n[[Go back|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/drawer2.jpg" /></html>\nPencils. I don't use them very much. I scribble and write with [[ball pens|goto_drawer1]] and even if I use [[ink|goto_drawer3]] I often do it directly. I guess I use them if I really //compose// a drawing -- which I rarely do.\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n[[Go back|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/drawer3.jpg" /></html>\nThis is indian ink, with drawing pens and brushes. I learned to draw with brushes in my exchange year in Colombia. I like that it's so irreversible and so indisputable //black//. There's something psychological about it: You make the decision to draw a line, and you know it's irreversible -- and //yet you find the courage to do so// -- and then it's ok. It's not perfect, but it'll work out.\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n[[Go back|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/drawer1.jpg" /></html>\nThis is the drawer with the all the pens. I mostly use the to write and sometimes scribble.\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n\n[[Go back.|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/pile.jpg" /></html>\nMore of these seminar documents, that are all over the place. In the blue folder beneath are some actually important documents. I the folder to carry a CV, as I had a job interview this week. They didn't took me.\n\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back.|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
<<goto "harddrive1">>
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n\n[[Go back.|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/drawer4.jpg" /></html>\nThose are my markers. My girlfriend uses them a lot, and does really pretty things with them. They're incredible for coloring and you actually can't get them in Europe. For me they're fun to use, but I do most of my coloring digital. Still: three or four of them are always in my bag to pep up my notebook.\n\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back.|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n\n[[Go back.|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/drawer5.jpg" /></html>\nThis is the drawer of "mixed stuff". There's a cutter my girlfriend left, and she's //really// good and perfectionistic using it. Me, not so. There's glue, tape, scissors... just mixed stuff.\n\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back.|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
[[My desk lamp.|desklamp]]\n[[What's that?|luckthing]]\n[[This is my cell- phone.|cellphone]]\n[[Some documents.|documents1]]\n[[A shoebox.|shoebox]]\n[[Cable.|cable]]\n[[My computer.|computer]]\n[[More documents.|documents2]]\n[[USB-Stick.|usb]]\n[[Light-Switch.|switchback]]\n[[That's paper.|paper]]\n[[A pencil.|pencil]]\n[[Button.|button]]\n[[What's in that corner?|corner]]\n[[Weird bottles|bottles]]\n[[A glass.|glass]]\n[[A waterbottle.|waterbottle]]\n[[Talc powder.|talcum]]\n[[Metal boxes|metalboxes]]\n[[A pile of documents.|pile]]\n[[Documents.|documents3]]\n[[A map.|map]]\n[[Things on top of the cupboard.|stuff]]\n[[Drawer.|drawer1]]\n[[Drawer.|drawer2]]\n[[Drawer.|drawer3]]\n[[Drawer.|drawer4]]\n[[Drawer.|drawer5]]\n[[Drawer.|drawer6]]\n[[Drawer.|bigdrawer]]\n<<set $dark = true>>
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n\n[[Go back.|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/luckthing.jpg" /></html>\nMy girlfriend found this on the street of my university. She assumed it's some kind of talisman. She wanted to take it with her, but forgot it hanging on [[the lamp|goto_lamp]]. If someone can read it or is the owner, [[contact me|mailto:matthias@cynik.de]]!\n\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back.|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n[[Go back|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/paper.jpg" /></html>\nI don't recall any story with this specific pencil. It's "B", so a bit harder... I don't really like hard pencils, as I like drawing fast and rough. I didn't really put any thought in it when I chose this one from my [[pencil drawer|goto_drawer2]].\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n[[Go back|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/talcum.jpg" /></html>\nI have stinky feet. One day my girlfriend introduced me to talc-powder which helps a lot and extends the life-span of my shoes. To have it work properly I have to put it on my feet, in my socks and in my shoes, so this box needs to be in different places all of the time and doesn't have a permanent place. I guess that's why it's on my desk.\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
<<goto "corner">>
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n\n[[Go back.|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/documents1.jpg" /></html>\nI'm collecting signatures for the seminars I visited. Fo a long time I didn't care, so now I have to do it retroactively. It's a mess, the papers are everywhere!\n\nFor this seminar, I don't know if I can get a signature. Normally you have to do a project to get one and here we didn't. But sometimes it works anyway... I don't know.\n\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back.|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n\n[[Go back|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/documents2.jpg" /></html>\nI'm collecting signatures for the seminars I visited. Fo a long time I didn't care, so now I have to do it retroactively. It's a mess, the papers are everywhere!\n\nI loved this seminar! It translates to "Between dead and alive" and was about concepts of the Undead... Later we went to [[a congress in Hamburg|http://www.untot.info/]], and I made a project about zombies in my hometown, which went a bit out of hand. There were quite a few students, who made [[projects|goto_harddrive3]] inspired by this seminar.\n\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n\n[[Go back.|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/documents3.jpg" /></html>\nI got three huge boxes with literature for young people. To sort them out I made this lists and gave them to my siblings, so they can highlight what they want to give away. It seems to be the only way to organize these kind of things. Otherwise it would just rot here forever. Now I have these lists lying around, as I'm looking for someone to take the unwanted books.\n\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back.|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
<<goto "harddrive3">>
<<goto "drawer1">>
<<goto "drawer3">>
<<goto "drawer2">>
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n[[Go back|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/glass.jpg" /></html>\nI //think// this is a new glass. We shatter them regularly and when my parents went to France, they bought the same ones new.\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
<html><img src="bilder/notebook.jpg" /></html>\nThis book was a goodbye-gift by my girlfriend. It's about the winter we shared here (she started working on the book before she knew we'll also share a summer). When she gave it to me on her last day, that was the moment for me to cry. I read it and looked at it, and I was so happy and sad and thought I will not be able to open it again, because it will //crush// me. But I did, and luckily it makes me more happy then sad.\n\n[[Show me more.|notebook_b]]\n\n[[Go back.|stuffback]]\n
<html><img src="bilder/harddrive1.jpg" /></html>\nThis is my Back-Up-hard-drive, that's why it's in this box, which is kind of a Back-Up-Box, kept in another room. So on the disk there are mainly archive-worthy files. I see a lot of Project-Files, interestingly most of my Sound Art Projects, which I used to do more of back then.\nThere's one participation on the drive for TimeMachine, so //actual// Back-Up. It's boring to look at, that's why I don't show you.\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back.|desk]]<<endif>>
<<goto "harddrive2">>
<html><img src="bilder/harddrive3.jpg" /></html>\nI tidied up this hard-drive and there's nothing left, but files of a project I helped out with, and I don't know if I have to keep the Back-Up.\nThis project by my good friend was inspired by zombies as well; to be more exact, by [["Braindead" by Peter Jackson|http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103873]].\n\n[[Go back.|cornerback]]\n<<set $harddrive3found = true>>
[[My desk lamp.|desklamp]]\n[[What's that?|luckthing]]\n[[This is my cell- phone.|cellphone]]\n[[Some documents.|documents1]]\n[[A shoebox.|shoebox]]\n[[Cable.|cable]]\n[[My computer.|computer]]\n[[More documents.|documents2]]\n[[USB-Stick.|usb]]\n[[Light-Switch.|switch]]\n[[That's paper.|paper]]\n[[A pencil.|pencil]]\n[[Button.|button]]\n[[What's in that corner?|corner]]\n[[Weird bottles|bottles]]\n[[A glass.|glass]]\n[[A waterbottle.|waterbottle]]\n[[Talc powder.|talcum]]\n[[Metal boxes|metalboxes]]\n[[A pile of documents.|pile]]\n[[Documents.|documents3]]\n[[A map.|map]]\n[[Things on top of the cupboard.|stuff]]\n[[Drawer.|drawer1]]\n[[Drawer.|drawer2]]\n[[Drawer.|drawer3]]\n[[Drawer.|drawer4]]\n[[Drawer.|drawer5]]\n[[Drawer.|drawer6]]\n[[Drawer.|bigdrawer]]\n<<set $dark = false>>\n<<set $lidoff = false>>
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n\n[[Go back.|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/glass.jpg" /></html>\nThose are bottles of french sirup. My parents went on short vacations to France and brought two bottles: lemon and cassis. Independently a friend also went to France and brought a bottle of Raspberry-Syrup, actually as a farewell present for my girlfriend. She left it here in the end, of fear it would spill in her bag during the flight.\nIt's really sweet, but really good.\n\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back.|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
<html><img src="bilder/cases.jpg" /></html>\nThe pencil case was a gift for some birthday of mine. It contains really good pencils, but the case actually seems for me like a really bad form of transport (or packaging). It //will// open and the pencils //will// spill out. So maybe now I will get rid of the case.\nThe watercolors are a leftover by my girlfriend. They are better organized than my case of watercolors, somewhere hidden in a cupboard.\n\n[[Go back.|stuffback]]\n
<<goto "desklamp">>
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n\n[[Go back.|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/desklamp.jpg" /></html>\nWhen my girlfriend first came to Germany, she bought this lamp from her previous tenant. He tricked her a bit and charged too much as she did't know to handle Euros yet.\nWhen she moved to my room, she brought it with her. It's bright and dimmable, but can get weirdly hot. When my brother, who studies in Vienna comes visiting, it's his bedside lamp in the other room.\n\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back.|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
body {\n background-color:#71A4CE;\n font-family:Futura, sans-serif;\n color:white;\n}\n\n#sidebar {\n font-family:inherit;\n}\n#sidebar #title {\n color:white;\n font-family:inherit;\n font-weight:normal;\n}\n#snapback {\n display:none;\n}\n\n#passages {\n padding:0;\n border:none;\n}\n\n.content {\n width:600px;\n font-size:1.4em;\n}\n\n#passagedesk {\n width:900px;\n height:450px;\n background-image:url(bilder/desk.jpg);\n}\n\n#passagedesk-dark {\n width:900px;\n height:450px;\n background-image:url(bilder/desk_dark.jpg);\n}\n\n#passagelidoff {\n width:900px;\n height:450px;\n background-image:url(bilder/desk_deckel.jpg);\n}\n\na.internalLink {\n font-size:1em;\n line-height:1em;\n color:white;\n display:block;\n position:absolute;\n opacity:0;\n /*background-color:lime;*/\n}\n\na.internalLink:hover {\n opacity:1;\n color:white;\n text-decoration:none;\n font-weight:normal;\n text-shadow:0px 0px 3px black;\n}\n\na.externalLink, a#desk, a#desk-dark, a#lidoff, a#cornerback, a#goto_lamp, a#goto_bottles, a#goto_drawer1, a#goto_drawer2, a#goto_drawer3, a#stuffback, a#notebook_b, a#goto_harddrive1, a#goto_usb_plug, a#goto_harddrive3, a#goto_harddrive2 {\n font-size:1em;\n line-height:1em;\n color:white;\n opacity:1;\n display:inline;\n position:static;\n color:#FFE05F;\n font-weight:normal;\n}\n\na.externalLink:hover, a#desk:hover, a#desk-dark:hover, a#lidoff:hover, a#cornerback:hover, a#goto_lamp:hover, a#goto_bottles:hover, a#goto_drawer1:hover, a#goto_drawer2:hover, a#goto_drawer3:hover, a#stuffback:hover, a#notebook_b:hover, a#goto_harddrive1:hover, a#goto_usb_plug:hover, a#goto_harddrive3:hover, a#goto_harddrive2:hover {\n font-size:1em;\n line-height:1em;\n color:white;\n opacity:1;\n display:inline;\n position:static;\n color:#FFE080;\n text-shadow:none;\n text-decoration:underline;\n}\n\n#passageStart {\n text-align:center;\n font-size:4em;\n}
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n\n[[Go back.|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/cellphone.jpg" /></html>\nMy cellphone was marketed as a "survival" model. I saw construction builders and policemen using the same. In the first week mine fell down the stairs, when I was helping my sister moving and the display broke — it's the only part not covered by the guarantee.\nIn the last few months I fiddled away the remains of the display and the rubber cover of the whole thing. It still works, and I don't want another one.\n\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back.|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
<<goto "stuff">>
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n[[Go back|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/stuff.jpg" /></html>[[A stapler|stapler]][[Pencil cases.|cases]][[A notebook.|notebook]][[Some coins and a thing|coins]][[A shiny thing.|shiny]][[Stickers|stickers]]\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
<html><img src="bilder/stapler.jpg" /></html>\nOne day, when I was about 16 my mom came home gave me this stapler and a hole puncher, "so I could organize my documents". Before that I used the hole-puncher from my parents room, if needed (which was almost never).\nI remember this moment as some kind of initiation, even though there was no ritual or anything. I was finally an adult and should organize my paperwork.\n\n[[Go back.|stuffback]]\n
<html><img src="bilder/usb_plug.jpg" /></html>\nThe "escarabajos"-files are for a comic my girlfriend drew and I colorized. It was for a competition to win a bike, and should be about bikes. We made something about the Colombian cyclists, who are famously good in the mountains and are called "mountain beetles" — "escarabajos de montañes". [[The story goes|http://www.cyclinginquisition.com/2009/12/powered-by-panela.html]], that the cyclists ate weird brown stones during the race and were suspected of doping. They actually just ate "Panela", which is unrefined sugar, and really common in Colombia.\nThere are some "Cthulhu"-Files, as I planned to play the [[Pen&Paper Roleplaying Game|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Call_of_Cthulhu_%28role-playing_game%29]] with my brother and a friend.\nThen I see a few CV's and other documents, which I had to print out.\n\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back.|desk]]<<endif>>
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n\n[[Go back.|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/cable.jpg" /></html>\nWe have wifi, but the apartment is very long, and I live on one side of it, the wifi on the other end. So I hardly have connection and the cable is a better way to actually stay connected. When I move around in my room during the day the cable follows around like a living tentacle.\n\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back.|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
<html><img src="bilder/shiny.jpg" /></html>\nMy girlfriend stole this piece of acrylic glass from a teacher at our school, who was kinda okay with that. In his class they worked a lot with acrylic glass, and for a exhibition my girlfriend wanted to make a box. The teacher showed us this piece to demonstrate how to make the borders stick together and my girlfriend just //had// to take it with her to draw a face on it. Then she left it here.\n\n[[Go back.|stuffback]]\n
<<if $dark eq true>>It's too dark to see anything.\n[[Go back|desk-dark]]\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="bilder/button.jpg" /></html>\nThis button was a gift by my girlfriend. I like it, because I can dress really nice and dapper -- then put on this button and still be a //little bit// evil and heavy metal.\nIt shows that dressing nice is an understatement for me because I'm actually a real fucking punk. At the same time it allows me to dress nice anyway.\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
<<goto "metalboxes">>
<<goto "desk-dark">>
<html><img src="bilder/computerscreen.jpg" /></html>\nMy computer is a blessing and a curse. It's really useful to work on the same things and files in University or here, or wherever; but I'm easily distracted, and when it's "depression time" this thing isn't very helpful to get me out neither.\nIt's already a few years old, and I'm not taking the best care of it (maybe due to my hate-love?), but it still works surprisingly well.\nIf you find hard-drives on my desk, you can check them out here.\n<<if $harddrive1found eq true>>[[Plug in the Back-Up hard-drive.|goto_harddrive1]]<html><br></html><<endif>><<if $harddrive2found eq true>>[[Plug in the orange hard-drive.|goto_harddrive2]]<html><br></html><<endif>><<if $harddrive3found eq true>>[[Plug in the small black hard-drive.|goto_harddrive3]]<html><br></html><<endif>><<if $usbfound eq true>>[[Plug in the USB.|goto_usb_plug]]<html><br></html><<endif>>\n<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n[[Go back.|lidoff]]<<else>>\n[[Go back.|desk]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
<html><img src="bilder/coins.jpg" /></html>\nThere are always a few coins just lying around. I'm actually surprised there aren't more.\nThe little peg is part of a paper jumping jack my girlfriend bought on christmas. I have no idea why it's in this little case, but it looks important now and I don't know what to do with it.\n\n[[Go back.|stuffback]]\n
<<if $lidoff eq true>>\n <<goto "lidoff">>\n<<else>>\n <<goto "desk">>\n<<endif>>
by Matthias Conrady
[[My desk lamp.|desklamp]]\n[[What's that?|luckthing]]\n[[This is my cell- phone.|cellphone]]\n[[Some documents.|documents1]]\n[[A shoebox.|shoebox-content]]\n[[Cable.|cable]]\n[[My computer.|computer]]\n[[More documents.|documents2]]\n[[USB-Stick.|usb]]\n[[Light-Switch.|switch]]\n[[That's paper.|paper]]\n[[A pencil.|pencil]]\n[[Button.|button]]\n[[What's in that corner?|corner]]\n[[Weird bottles|bottles]]\n[[A glass.|glass]]\n[[A waterbottle.|waterbottle]]\n[[Talc powder.|talcum]]\n[[Metal boxes|metalboxes]]\n[[A pile of documents.|pile]]\n[[Documents.|documents3]]\n[[A map.|map]]\n[[Things on top of the cupboard.|stuff]]\n[[Drawer.|drawer1]]\n[[Drawer.|drawer2]]\n[[Drawer.|drawer3]]\n[[Drawer.|drawer4]]\n[[Drawer.|drawer5]]\n[[Drawer.|drawer6]]\n[[Drawer.|bigdrawer]]\n<<set $lidoff = true>>\n<<set $dark = false>>